
After having obtained my certificate in Sports massage for practical reasons I became intrigued by the wonders of our body’s and minds. It set me off on a journey where I learned a broad range of styles and approaches of working with the body, helping it to free itself from all sorts of strain and becoming more balanced and healthy.
Since the early 1990’s I have worked with individuals and groups, where I taught yoga stretching, meditation and massage.
Every time you come for a massage is a new opportunity, so together we look what it is that you and your body need in the moment.
Afterwards I may help you find ways to prevent complaints and maintain your balance and well being.
I know from experience how powerful touch can be when applied in an attentive and skilful way – so that’s exactly what I want to pass on to you.
Apart from Sports massage, I’m certified in Yoga Stretching, Re-balancing, Touch Pro Chair massage, Mindfulness and MindfulKids.
Since 1996 I am a student in the Diamond Approach School of A.H. Almaas.